tirsdag den 18. december 2012
torsdag den 6. december 2012
søndag den 25. november 2012
torsdag den 1. november 2012
Sherlock-overlevelses teori - take a look!!
Sherlock texts Moriarty to meet him at Bart's Hospital rooftop, so Molly or Mycroft's people could know that he's likely to make that jump from that roof but not from which corner (if Sherlock had already figured out that Moriarty wouldn't stop until forcing him to commit suicide by threatening his friends)
When they start talking about suicide, Sherlock leans out with Moriarty to watch out the street, there there is almost no one and two double-decker buses, one of them placed on the spot where he could jump to. Sherlock frowns.
Minutes later, he glances again to the street, there we see the same two buses, and some more people, Moriarty says "oh. you've got an audience now", then we see a man wearing a beige coat and a beige hat knocking on the window of the bus with a walking stick and probably talking to the driver. My guess is that he's showing a police badge and telling him to move away and clear out the spot.
Sherlock asks for a little time
would you give one moment, please? One moment of privacy, please?
He's likely to be waiting for everything to be in place, then he sees something, his face changes and starts laughing (I think this is when the bus was replaced by the garbage truck that we'll see later)
Later on, he talks to John making his best to avoid that John came too close and figured out the farce (besides, he was being watched)
- turn around and walk back the way you came (...) just do as i ask - please
- where?
- stop there!
- (...) Stay exactly where you are. Don't move. Keep your eyes fixed on me
After the jump, Watson turns around the corner and we see a biker approaching from his back, and we have a glance at a body (supposedly Sherlock's) covered with blood behind a garbage truck.
Then the biker knocks down Watson, in spite of Watson being almost perfectly still and the good visual that the biker had, so this seems completely intended to daze him (the biker doesn't even bother to apologize or help him to stand up).
We see people approaching the body as the garbage truck leaves the scene on the left corner.
My guess is that Sherlock jumped to that truck, survived the fall thanks to the garbage bags (quite a landing, anyway) and another body was threw out of the truck almost synchronously.
The pedestrians, the biker, they are either Mycroft's agents or Molly's friends.
The body Watson checks it's possibly a corpse that Molly had obtained from the Hospital and disguised as Sherlock (may there was indeed a Sherlock's mask wore by Moriarty to scare the kids, and Sherlock had previously found it, but that might had not been necessary if Molly had found a good double and knowing that someone was going to make John even more confused).
I think Mycroft is definitely involved, so he could place agents as pedestrians, clear out the landing spot, and in the upcoming season, be able to clean up his brother's reputation (tell the police and the press that everything was staged as play of the Secret Service)
"Here's my theory, and I'm sticking to it (I can't take credit for it- I've read it a couple of places but it's the one that seems the most workable to me from the clues given):
When Sherlock asks Moriarty for a moment of privacy (the out of character thing I believe Moffat was referring to), that's the last time Moriarty AND the audience see the sidewalk until Sherlock is lying on it. But in the meantime, the double-decker bus moves and is replaced by a laundry truck (not trash. laundry. full of soft stuff). And more people start milling about on the sidewalk.
When John arrives, Sherlock makes him stand in a particular place, and stare at him up there on the roof. Why? So that John won't walk around and see what's happening on the sidewalk behind the short building between them. It also means John has farther to travel when Sherlock jumps.
So Sherlock jumps, and is clearly shown hurtling toward the pavement perpendicular to the sidewalk, but then is shown landing parallel to it. I think he landed in the laundry truck and then jumped to the sidewalk.
Note that he lands in a particular way. He is immediately surrounded by people on the sidewalk (the homeless network?), some of whom are dressed as hospital staff (something I think Molly could help with, among other things). One, dressed as a doctor, spends a suspiciously long amount of time with his hand on Sherlock's neck pulse point, and can clearly be seen shaking Sherlock's arm as John approaches. (John, of course, has been delayed by the collision with the bicyclist and is disoriented from his spill on the asphalt.) All of this conspires to make Sherlock's right arm the most convenient place for John to take Sherlock's pulse.
But wait! How do you fool a medical doctor trying to take a pulse? With a little rubber ball placed strategically under the arm, with which one can conceal the pulse in that arm. Remember the ball Sherlock was fidgeting with in the lab after talking to Molly? If you watch carefully, you can see him slip it into his pocket before sitting down. I think that ball was between Sherlock's right arm and his body.
Once John's hand is pulled away from Sherlock's wrist, he is himself surrounded by onlookers and loses sight of Sherlock's body. So does the audience. We don't see it again until it's lifted onto the gurney. If you look closely at the gurney as it's wheeled away, you'll see that it's definitely not Sherlock by that point. This COULD just be sloppy camera work and Cumberbatch's usual stand-in, since it was snowing and frigid the day this scene was filmed, but that sloppiness seems unlikely for a show as tight as this one, and it seems like that shot was specifically intended to let the viewer watch the body being wheeled away.
So why did Sherlock need Molly? For spare blood, possibly a spare body (though I think it's just as plausible that it was a live person dressed similarly who would have an easier time slipping away once wheeled into the hospital), and it wouldn't surprise me at all that Sherlock would need a doctor who specializes in the dead to show him the rubber ball trick- seems like something a pathologist would learn while procrastinating studying for exams. Also- remember that Molly was there when Sherlock went to the morgue to identify Irene Adler's body- she would be able to ensure that the paperwork for Sherlock's death certificate could get done without making John come in to officially identify him. John and Lestrade would both trust her.
What definitely did NOT happen? Sherlock did not throw Moriarty's body off the roof. John clearly saw a live Sherlock standing on the roof, who then jumped, and clearly saw him flailing during the fall.
EDITED TO ADD: I'm working under the assumption that Moriarty shoots himself because he realizes that it's the only way TO beat Sherlock- it's the only way Sherlock will be convinced that there's no other way to call off the snipers. His endgame was to discredit Sherlock, disgracing him and separating him from everything he loves, preferably by killing him, but that's not strictly necessary. Even if Sherlock didn't jump, the snipers would kill everyone Sherlock has ever cared about and Moriarty still wins; Moriarty's actual presence is not required. Basically, killing himself is the only way Moriarty could hope to assure his own victory, and his obsession with Sherlock is such that beating him is more important than his own life.
And if you think about it- even though Sherlock survives, his reputation is still in tatters and he's still cut off from his friends. Moriarty has still won, at least temporarily."
tirsdag den 16. oktober 2012
lørdag den 13. oktober 2012
torsdag den 11. oktober 2012
fredag den 5. oktober 2012
Rikkes udfordring imens Line er i London
YAY!! Jeg har det sjovt xD
Jeg skal til London, og jeg er hjemme ONSDAG!
SÅÅÅH, jeg keder mig... selvom jeg har travlt. Så NU laver jeg en udfordring til Rikke!
Så det spændende og se om det klares :o
Udfordringen 6-10 oktober 2012:
Jeg skal til London, og jeg er hjemme ONSDAG!
SÅÅÅH, jeg keder mig... selvom jeg har travlt. Så NU laver jeg en udfordring til Rikke!
Så det spændende og se om det klares :o
Udfordringen 6-10 oktober 2012:
- Se dette indlæg! Wuh!
- Lav mindst to indlæg imens jeg er væk :o
- Find nogle spændende nyheder, som jeg jo IKKE vil høre om, fordi jeg er væk (Mortal Instruments news?, Cassie Clare news?, Sherlock, Hobbitten, Nye trailers, normale nyheder, noget spændende på Tumblr?) - del hvad du finder her ^^
- Dans en dans og smil
- TÆNK at jeg er i Sherlock's London!
- Tjek lige Cassie's Twitter - den er hyggelig!
- Komme med en god grund hvorfor jeg fandt på det her?!
- Fortæl hvad du har lavet af spændende ting
- Kommenter nogle af mine indlæg + Fortæl mig lige om du overhoved har set dem ;D
- Overvej et svar til "Skal vi også se Elementary?"
onsdag den 3. oktober 2012
Cassie tweets
Nu du ikke rigtig er på Twitter, så vil jeg dele nogle NICE ting med dig, fra Cassie!!!!
There will be a family tree in the English print (not ebk) first editions of Clockwork Princess. At every store and online.All 1st editions.
Spørgsmål:"besides mermaids, any other mythical fey that lurk the waters?"
Cassie: Many. Lots in dark artifices since its set by the ocean.
Godfrey's manager says: "Godfrey and Kevin def know how much their fans love Malec."
Spørgsmål: " how many pages and chapters is CP2 going to have?"
Cassie: 24 chapters but I won't know pages until they lay it out. Usually last books are longer.
Right now Clockwork Princess is the longest book I've ever published.
Spørgsmål: " who is fictional character you wish to date?"
Cassie: Mr Darcy. Maybe Sherlock Holmes. :)
Godfrey holds doors for ladies. What a classy guy. :)
... Jeg har egentlig ikke tid til det her xD Så det dem du får nu.
Cassandra Clare,
The Infernal Devices,
the Mortal Instruments
søndag den 30. september 2012
onsdag den 19. september 2012
Hvis det her er hans skuespiller-evner.....
FUCK hvor er det tydeligt han læser op - og han er HELT kold, sidder HELT stille og rør sig på ingen måde - hans ansigt er HELT koldt og han udstråler INGENTING positivt.... Så smiler han lige hurtigt, for det ved han "det burde jeg" men det ser SÅ fake ud!! Hvad sker der?!
Og undskyld, men ej hvor er han altså bare ikke pæn!!
Fatter ikke han er castet som Alec...
Hvis tilfældet er at Jaime OGSÅ læser højt, kan jeg ikke andet end nærmest at hoppe af lykke over hvor god han er til dette og at være selvstændig:
Jemima gør det også godt:
Lily kan man også tydelig se læser op - men hun er sød og livlig og hyggelig ^^ - hendes video er ikke på youtube :/
Cassandra Clare,
the Mortal Instruments
Oh my kids are SO gonna get one of these....
Sherlock Holmes - Elementary, My Dear Watson - BOOK:
Sherlock Holmes - Elementary, My Dear Watson - BOOK:
onsdag den 5. september 2012
tirsdag den 4. september 2012
Jeg HADER at han skal spille Alec, men han er nu meget rar:
Kevin Zegers på Twitter:
![]() |
Han er altså ikke pæn hvis du spørger mig. VIRKELIG grimt hår, grim hund. LANGT fra min type (sorry) ..... |
"say hi to your danish fans :)"
-Yndlings bog - aw, hvor sødt hvis han mener det!!
UH!! Alec and Magnus in a few weeeeeeks!!!!!!!!
"how's your bromance with robert and jamie?”
"Who is your favourite character (besides Alec!) in TMI books?”
If you could choose, who would you play in The Mortal Instruments?”
"When are you going to see Godfrey?"
I think in a few weeks.
What is your favorite book?”
mortal instruments. ;)
-Yndlings bog - aw, hvor sødt hvis han mener det!!
UH!! Alec and Magnus in a few weeeeeeks!!!!!!!!
Jem... evil?

Fra Tumblr:
Just to verify, these are the reasons y'all think Jem is evil, yes?
1. It’s CASSIE we’re talking about so fuck anything is possible.
2. We never see Jem’s POV which is rather odd given he is a main character and we see perspectives from others and yet not his.
3. He’s too good and please nobody is really THAT nice. He has to be hiding something.
4. How could anyone with a brain NOT see what was going on between Will and Tessa? Especially given that they are parabatai.
5. Not only is he woefully imperceptive, he does the very thing that hurts Will the most: taking Tessa away from him forever.
6. The Yin Fen he takes may have messed him up mentally and caused him to be evil. Also the demon who tortured him may well still have some mental influence on him.
Just to verify, these are the reasons y'all think Jem is evil, yes?
1. It’s CASSIE we’re talking about so fuck anything is possible.
2. We never see Jem’s POV which is rather odd given he is a main character and we see perspectives from others and yet not his.
3. He’s too good and please nobody is really THAT nice. He has to be hiding something.
4. How could anyone with a brain NOT see what was going on between Will and Tessa? Especially given that they are parabatai.
5. Not only is he woefully imperceptive, he does the very thing that hurts Will the most: taking Tessa away from him forever.
6. The Yin Fen he takes may have messed him up mentally and caused him to be evil. Also the demon who tortured him may well still have some mental influence on him.
... det er noget jeg ALDRIG har tænkt på... Hvis det rigtig, ville jeg ellers have fået mig noget af en overraskelse - det vil jeg ikke længere...
søndag den 2. september 2012
mandag den 27. august 2012
Svar på problemet!
Dear Cassie,
I am so excited the movie is starting filming and the pictures are just pushing that excitment higher! But did you or anyone else notice that on a strap of Jamie (Jace’s) jacket there’s a metal Fearless rune imprinted on? I thought Clary didn’t even create that until CoA.
— elizem92”
Svar fra Cassie:
I am so excited the movie is starting filming and the pictures are just pushing that excitment higher! But did you or anyone else notice that on a strap of Jamie (Jace’s) jacket there’s a metal Fearless rune imprinted on? I thought Clary didn’t even create that until CoA.
— elizem92”
Svar fra Cassie:
— Many many many sharp-eyed fans have written me about this! The “the fearless rune didn’t exist in City of Bones” conversation was actually had a while ago, but movie mistakes happen. They did tell me it could be fixed in post production though so I am not so concerned.
lørdag den 25. august 2012
fredag den 24. august 2012
Synes Kevin er for chop
Han er sådan chop-chop agtig. alt for chop.
Har de der seriøst brede skuldre, men alt andet ved ham er for småt. Han er lav og lille og hans ben og arme virker for korte - og så de brede skuldre.
Det ser helt forkert ud....... (for det første ikke noget som jeg synes er pænt)- men det vigtige, det ser forkert ud, fordi det er SLET ikke sådan Alec skal være!!!
Altså på DE her billeder!!! - måske ser han ikke sådan ud ellers.... måske det noget jeg bilder mig ind xD - Men han har ikke Alecs kropsbygning!!Har de der seriøst brede skuldre, men alt andet ved ham er for småt. Han er lav og lille og hans ben og arme virker for korte - og så de brede skuldre.
Det ser helt forkert ud....... (for det første ikke noget som jeg synes er pænt)- men det vigtige, det ser forkert ud, fordi det er SLET ikke sådan Alec skal være!!!
MEN! Kan virkelig godt lide den her stil:

Okay, jeg flippede lige over-sindssygt-umådelig-ubeskriveligt meget ud!!
Kommentar til dette i mine tags:
Fordi.... oh my freaking goodness *big eyes* Oh shiiit!!! - Form for chock!
Okay, gennemtænkhed. Troede de øvede først... hvilket de jo også gør. Men tydeligvis, er kysset og det at de holder i hånden, ikke øvelse...
Hvis dette er som det ser ud til så: suk, hvor det sødt. Det kan kun betyde at de kan spille deres roller endnu bedre... Kryds fingre for de ikke går fra hinanden undervejs!!
Hvis dette er, som nogle hentyder til... PR, et PR-stunt: Så... 1000 gange øv, og det vil ødelægge alt... virkelig. Men der har jo været rygter i SERIØST lang tid om at de er sammen - men de har ikke ville bekræfte det. Hvis de var PR, ville de så ikke have bekræftet det?! Jeg er i tvivl...
Og synes også det er mærkeligt som Jamie ALDRIG ser på Lily... måske fordi han prøver at huske sine linjer? - Men seriøst... de ved jo folk tager billeder der - så det virker lidt som om de vil afsløres,ellers ville de jo ikke gøre det der?
Lily ser dog oprigtig ud... hun har også sit manus... ehm... men skuespillere er de jo altid...
Men lige meget hvad, har de mange mange billeder af de to gående sammen hånd i hånd ned af gaden gjort mig glad altid. Synes de så søde - men ... det ville også virkelig være sødt hvis de bare var venner - ville være fedt.. og fint, og passende...
men det svært at vide det hele... men de da søde sammen?
Oh! Se her!! Det ser ud som om Lily trækker ham til hende:

Nu når man ser denne animation.....But who knows? Måske øvede de sig bare i kysset... Kunne godt se sådan ud
SIDSTE KONKLUSION ENDER SOM MIN FØRSTE: DE ØVER!!!! (og min reaktion i Tumblr-tags, er fra da jeg også troede de øvede)
the Mortal Instruments,
Et Studie i Rødt
Okay, min mor nævnte at der er kommet en ny oversættelse af den komplette Sherlock Holmes, som har fået ros som den bedste oversættelse der nogensinde er lavet... Anmeldelserne fra aviserne er helt oppe og køre og de har faktisk ret - den er flot og er meget nysgerrig mht oversættelsen... hmm... Jeg tænkte at det var da meget fedt at de har oversat den komplette - MEN så blev man snydt, da det kun er "Et Studie i Rødt" og resten vil komme som serie.... ØV....
Anyway - prøv at se hvad der står om bogen inde på bogklubben hvor de sælger den - kan du finde en fejl? ;):
Hiolmes søger en bofælle til et par værelser i Baker Street 221B.
Watson og Holmes flytter ind, og Watsons nysgerrighed pirres, da han opdager, at den excentriske Holmes ernærer sig som verdens eneste 'rådgivende detektiv'.
Og da Holmes en dag beder ham tage med ud på en sag, slår han til.
Et uhyggeligt mysterium venter: I et forladt hus i en forstad til London ligger en mand død med ansigtet forvredet i en grimasse af rædsel og had. Der er blodspor på gulvet, og et mystisk ord, RACHE, står skrevet med blod på væggen. Men der er ingen sår på mandens krop og ingen spor efter håndgemæng.
Med denne mordgåde, skrevet i 1887, præsenteredes læserne for, hvad der skulle blive kulturhistoriens måske mest berømte makkerpar, mesterdetektiven Sherlock Holmes og hans følgesvend og krønikeskriver Dr. Watson. Og nu er den her altså i spritny dansk oversættelse og med et grundigt forord af cand. mag. Svend Ranild.
Omslag: Lonnie Hamborg/Imperiet Oversat af Mette Wigh Tvermoes efter A Study in Scarlet"
Synes faktisk det lige umiddelbart lyder godt, hvad synes du??Slutter lige af med et billede af vidunderet som har taget aviserne med storm:
Anyway - prøv at se hvad der står om bogen inde på bogklubben hvor de sælger den - kan du finde en fejl? ;):
Militærlæge John H. Watson er vendt hjem til England fra den anden afghanske krig som rekonvalescent. Her bliver han introduceret for en vis mr. Sherlock HolmesHiolmes søger en bofælle til et par værelser i Baker Street 221B.
Watson og Holmes flytter ind, og Watsons nysgerrighed pirres, da han opdager, at den excentriske Holmes ernærer sig som verdens eneste 'rådgivende detektiv'.
Og da Holmes en dag beder ham tage med ud på en sag, slår han til.
Et uhyggeligt mysterium venter: I et forladt hus i en forstad til London ligger en mand død med ansigtet forvredet i en grimasse af rædsel og had. Der er blodspor på gulvet, og et mystisk ord, RACHE, står skrevet med blod på væggen. Men der er ingen sår på mandens krop og ingen spor efter håndgemæng.
Med denne mordgåde, skrevet i 1887, præsenteredes læserne for, hvad der skulle blive kulturhistoriens måske mest berømte makkerpar, mesterdetektiven Sherlock Holmes og hans følgesvend og krønikeskriver Dr. Watson. Og nu er den her altså i spritny dansk oversættelse og med et grundigt forord af cand. mag. Svend Ranild.
Omslag: Lonnie Hamborg/Imperiet Oversat af Mette Wigh Tvermoes efter A Study in Scarlet"
Synes faktisk det lige umiddelbart lyder godt, hvad synes du??Slutter lige af med et billede af vidunderet som har taget aviserne med storm:
Svar fra LINE
Hiolmes Oo? - gad godt høre dem udtale det!! xD - Ej men.. woa, det lyder mega super mærkeligt med det referat der!! Og på dansk.. ej, det lyder helt mystisk på en måde, fordi man jo kender historien xD Tihi.
De burde altså bare lave en bog med det hele samlet - som du siger!! Det ville være dejlighed!! Indeed.
Det en meget flot forside faktisk! like it. Men okay, håber da den nye oversættelse er den bedste... ellers er det sgu nedern at oversætte den endnu en gang Oo...
Men altså, når alt er oversat, samler de nok det hele i et!
onsdag den 22. august 2012
mandag den 20. august 2012
onsdag den 15. august 2012
Robert uden krøller?
Vi snakkede om Robert Sheehan - Han skal spille Simon i the Mortal Instruments film-adaptionen.
OG! Simon, kan jeg fortælle jer, har IKKE krøller og han har briller.
Og så tænkte vi, hvordan kan kære Robert IKKE have krøller? Det er bare HAM og det er bare DET! Hvordan han må se ud uden de fine krøller? Må da være helt mærkeligt..
MEN MEN! Nu skal vi se:

Det KAN altså godt ske - og det ikke helt væk? Så, don't worry no more!
OG! Simon, kan jeg fortælle jer, har IKKE krøller og han har briller.
Og så tænkte vi, hvordan kan kære Robert IKKE have krøller? Det er bare HAM og det er bare DET! Hvordan han må se ud uden de fine krøller? Må da være helt mærkeligt..
MEN MEN! Nu skal vi se:

Det KAN altså godt ske - og det ikke helt væk? Så, don't worry no more!
søndag den 12. august 2012
Hvad laver brandbilen?!
(nu gad jeg ikke vente til vi ses længere)
Så nu har jeg lagt denne fantastiske video-episode af "Hvad laver brandbilen?" på vores fine blog.
Halv-hyper børn!
Så nu har jeg lagt denne fantastiske video-episode af "Hvad laver brandbilen?" på vores fine blog.
Halv-hyper børn!
torsdag den 28. juni 2012
onsdag den 27. juni 2012
tirsdag den 26. juni 2012
torsdag den 31. maj 2012
The Jeremy Renner-photo
(fra Tumblr:)
#that is the single most terrifying thing i have ever saw in my entire life#and yet i cannot take my eyes from it #and the more you stare the more it looks like he’s moving #the more you feel the stare entering your thoughts and getting all your passwords #every RC-17 fanfic you’ve ever read everytime you looked too long at your teacher’s butt #everything is accessible by jeremy now #the more you stare the more he enters your mind #for he does not fuck around jeremy doesn’t #and the more you stare the more you’ll realize he looks like a goddamn ken doll #this has been definitely a frightening experience
#RENNER KNOWS YOUR SOUL #YOUR SECRETS ARE HIS#jeremy renner #what did you do
#that is the single most terrifying thing i have ever saw in my entire life#and yet i cannot take my eyes from it #and the more you stare the more it looks like he’s moving #the more you feel the stare entering your thoughts and getting all your passwords #every RC-17 fanfic you’ve ever read everytime you looked too long at your teacher’s butt #everything is accessible by jeremy now #the more you stare the more he enters your mind #for he does not fuck around jeremy doesn’t #and the more you stare the more you’ll realize he looks like a goddamn ken doll #this has been definitely a frightening experience
#RENNER KNOWS YOUR SOUL #YOUR SECRETS ARE HIS#jeremy renner #what did you do
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